Varmt välkommen Paul till Empori och rollen som Teknisk projektledare
Nu i augusti började Paul hos vårt dotterbolag Empori som Teknisk projektledare vilket vi är väldigt glada för. Paul – berätta lite om dig själv!
Några meningar om vem du är?
My name is Paul Clough I am 43 years of age and I currently live in Leksand. Studied in England to be a developer. Moved to Sweden to be with my son. As a person I have always been a very curious and I am always keen to embrace change and challenges.
Vad du gjort tidigare?
My previous job was at Clas Ohlson as a DevOps Engineer for an Analytics team using a mixture of cloud and on-premise solutions. Being the glue between development and infrastructure to ensure optimisation performance for micro service platforms, SSAS and API’s both on-premise and in the cloud. Increasing the reliability of business-critical systems by ensuring availability, scalability, data consistency and disaster recovery.
Varför valde du Empori och rollen teknisk projektledare?
I really enjoy contributing to a good team spirit and working in an agile environment. It is my burning interest to see how the entire process fits together, so I can always keep learning and improving.